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Info about tiny houses and tiny home vacation rental




Filtering by Tag: treehouses

And so it begins...............

Pye Parson

As I fumble through this process of creating a website to honor and inform others about our tiny house experience, I am once again floored and overwhelmed with emotion. I would've never, in a million years, imagined I would be so lucky as to have this home.........and it's not just "a home" it is a sanctuary! My tiny beach/treehouse could only be possible through the support of Tiny House Nation which held my hand and showed me I was capable of making "impossible dreams" come true. My brother-in-law, Bruce Lanier, architect @ Standard Creative,  who saw my Tiny House dream sinking fast in my design efforts and rescued me with the COOL CUBE DESIGN. Lastly, Travis March (March Construction) the BEST BUILDER ON THE GULF COAST, sacrificed Christmas with his family and put other work on hold to make sure we finished on schedule. For his patience, kindness, integrity, and true eye for "cool" materials, I will be eternally grateful. Now, full circle, it is back to me, Roald, and Quen, and our precious home in the midst of a Live Oak tree next to the beach...........